10 Wine Quotes

We love the wisdom of wine lovers! Check out some of our favorite quotes:

“Give me books, French wine, fruit, fine weather and a little music played out of doors by somebody I do not know.” - John Keats

Although he only lived to the tender age of 25, British poet John Keats was a bright star in the 19th century and an integral part of the Romantic movement. We imagine more than one claret of Bordeaux poured while he was hobnobbing with Lord Byron and the Shelleys.

His “Ode to a Nightingale” poem inspired other Bacchanalian writers, like F. Scott Fitzgerald, but we feel most inspired by this refrain and think “sunburnt mirth” is the best flavor note ever written.

O, for a draught of vintage! that hath been Cool’d a long age in the deep-delved earth, Tasting of Flora and the country green, Dance, and Provençal song, and sunburnt mirth!

“The discovery of a wine is a greater moment than the discovery of a constellation. The universe is too full of stars.” - Benjamin Franklin

When it comes to founding fathers, we would argue that Ben Franklin was the spunky one. Sure, TJ drank clarets and threw parties, and yes—his Parisian exploits were legendary, but Ben flew kites in the rain just trying to lure lightning. That’s pretty radical, even for a revolutionary. Much like Thomas Jefferson loved a great vintage, and Ben could appreciate a fine glass of wine and the above quote can be found on every shipping box we send. He also wrote to a friend:

“Behold the rain which descends from heaven upon our vineyards; there it enters the roots of the vines, to be changed into wine; a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy.”

“Drink the wine that moves you.” - Rumi

While there are many wine-related quotes from the thirteenth-century poet from Persia, this one resonates with us the most. There are so many varietals and regions to discover. Life is full of dishes to pair with celebrations deserving of a toast. Try something new or enjoy a favorite—just drink a wine that moves you.

“Wine is the most civilized thing in the world” - Ernest Hemingway

Hey Papa, we agree! You may not know this is a quote from Death in the Afternoon, his book published in 1932, and was also the name given to the cocktail invented by Ernest. The drink is a blend of Champagne and Absinthe, not for the faint of heart. The book is about the ceremony and traditions of bullfighting, so if you don’t have Absinthe handy, we’d recommend pairing it with a kickin’ Tempranillo.

“Wine makes every meal an occasion, every table more elegant, every day more civilized.” - Andre Simon

While you may not have heard of Andre until now, wine enthusiasts should listen to this Frenchman’s backstory. Born in Paris, he moved to England, where he fell in love and married an Englishwoman, and thus at a champagne house on Mark Lane in London, he began a long and esteemed career in the wine trade. Sommeliers worldwide know him as the man who created a wine club and began tastings and lectures that paved the way for the Masters of Wine qualification.

“Wine is sunlight, held together by water.” - Galileo Galilei

It should be no surprise the artist, engineer, and inventory whose endless imagination and exquisite talent should be particular about wine. Biographers describe him as a vineyard owner whose academic bent leaned into viticulture. He was lucky in his patronage, as surviving letters in his hand explain he received a cellar full of bottles, 100 or more, from the Lord Cardinal and the Duke of Guise. We know the sunlight in a glass he speaks of was a crisp Falanghina, a grape dating from the 7th century.

“Wine is Bottled Poetry” - Robert Louis Stevenson

The famous Scot has a point—poetry is the lyrical assemblage of words to evoke emotion and experience. A layer of rhythm and meter beyond prose that can be like a dance. The writer chose word ingredients like a winemaker chooses grapes then blends using a technique resulting in something light or bold, or something delicate or earthy. So uncork a bottle and pour yourself a sonnet to terroir and taste.

“The connoisseur does not drink wine but tastes of its secrets.” - Salvador Dali

A surreal philosophy! And we agree with the Spanish artist. Much like a gravity-defying mustache, every bottle has a secret of its own that is delicious to discover.

“Age appears best in four things: old wood to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust and old authors to read.” - Francis Bacon

The Right Honorable Viscount and Lord Chancellor certainly puts wine in great company! He paints a cozy picture, and we like it. Whether you're opening your favorite vintage with your favorite people or sipping it alone in front of the roaring fire with a classic book—wine perfects the moment.

“Give us a bottle of your finest Champagne, five shrimp cocktails and some bread for my brother.” - The Blues Brothers

Sorry, we just had to.

Raise a glass and enjoy!