Cowboy Steak with Pommes Boulangères En Cocotte

By Chef Tim Hollingsworth

Renowned Chef Tim Hollingsworth offers Insiders a delicious steak and potatoes recipe. 



1 Dry Aged Cowboy Steak - about 2 inches thick, approximately 2-2.5 lb

4 large yukon gold potatoes, sliced into quarter of an inch pieces

3 Tbsp chopped Garlic

3 Tbsp chopped Thyme

3 Tbsp chopped Shallot

Salt and Black Pepper to taste

20 peeled Pearl Onions

1 cup of Garlic cloves

1 bunch Thyme

1/4 lb Butter

Black Truffles, optional (could substitute with seasonal mushroom, I recommend porcini, which would be sauteed with the pearl onion and garlic clove mixture)



Season cowboy steak with salt and pepper. In the cocotte, heat up oil. Sear steak on all sides and reserve steak, keeping oils in the cocotte. Cook your pearl onions and whole garlic cloves in the cocotte until lightly colored. Add in half of your butter and allow to melt, remove from heat.

In a medium mixing bowl, mix together your chopped garlic, chopped thyme, and chopped shallots.

Shingle potatoes into the warm cocotte, 3-4 slices thick for the layer. In between each layer, sprinkle herb, garlic, and shallot mixture. Salt and pepper each layer. Add in steak on top of potatoes, top with cooked pearl onions and garlic cloves. Top with bunch of thyme and remaining butter. Place cocotte on fire and cook for about 4 minutes with the lid off. Place lid back onto cocotte and cook at 425 degrees in the oven for 15 minutes, or until medium rare. Every oven is different, so make sure to monitor how the steak is cooking.

Remove the steak and allow to rest outside. Place the lid back onto the cocotte and cook in oven for about another 10 minutes, or until fork tender. Shave your black truffles onto the potato mixture. To get your potatoes to be extra crispy, cook on the stovetop for a few minutes after the oven. Place whole cowboy steak back into the cocotte. Serve.